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Academic Staff

Onruthai Pinyakong, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Onruthai Pinyakong, Associate Professor, Ph.D.


Ph.D. in Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
M.Sc. in Industrial Microbiology, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND
B.Sc., Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND

Research Interest

– Biodegradation and bioremediation of organic pollutants
– Development of bio-based products for bioremediation
– Molecular monitoring of bioremediation
– Environmental microbiology and microbial technology
– Marine microbiology and applications
– Omic analysis for microbial bioremediation


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Selected Publications

  1. Laothamteep, N., Kawano, H., Vejarano, F., Minakuchi, C.S., Shintani, M., Nojiri, H., Pinyakong, O. (2021) Effects of environmental factors and coexisting substrates on PAH degradation and transcriptomic responses of the defined bacterial consortium OPK. Environmental Pollution 227: 116769.
  2. Sakdapetsiri, C., Kuntaveesuk, A., Ngaemthao, W., Suriyachadkun, C., Muangchinda, C., Chavanich, S., Viyakarn, V., Chen, B., Pinyakong, O. (2021) Paeniglutamicibacter terrestris sp. nov., isolated from phenanthrene-degrading consortium enriched from Antarctic soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 71(3): 004689.
  3. Muangchinda, C., Srisuwankarn, P., Boubpha, S., Chavanich, S., Pinyakong, O. (2020) The effect of bioaugmentation with Exiguobacterium sp. AO-11 on crude oil removal and the bacterial community in sediment microcosms, and the development of a liquid ready-to-use inoculum. Chemosphere 250: 126303.
  4. Muangchinda, C., Rungsihirunrut, A., Prombutara, P., Soonglerdsongpha, S., and PinyakongO. (2018) 16S metagenomic analysis reveals adaptability of a mixed-PAH-degrading consortium isolated from crude oil-contaminated seawater to changing environmental conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 357: 119-127.
  5. Wanapaisan, P., Laothamteep, N., Vejarano, F., Chakraborty, J., Shintani, M., Muangchinda, C., Morita, T., Suzuki-Minakuchi C., Inoue, K., Nojiri, H., and Pinyakong, O. (2018) Synergistic degradation of pyrene by five culturable bacteria in a mangrove sediment-derived bacterial consortium. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 342: 561-570.
  6. Muangchinda, C., Yamazoe, A., Polrit, D., Thoetkiattikul, H., Mhuantong, W., Champreda, V., and Pinyakong, O. (2017) Biodegradation of high concentrations of mixed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by indigenous bacteria from a river sediment: A microcosm study and bacterial community analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 4591-4602.
  7. Muangchinda, C., Chavanich, S., Viyakarn, V., Watanabe, K., Imura, S., Vangnai, A.S., and Pinyakong, O. (2015) Abundance and diversity of functional genes involved in the degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in Antarctic soils and sediments around Syowa Station. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 4725-4735.

Fellowships and Awards:

  1. Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (2020-2022)
  2. Research Program on Remediation Technologies for Petroleum Contamination, Center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management (HSM) (2017-2021)
  3. Microbial Technology for Marine Pollution Treatment Research Unit, Chulalongkorn University (2018-present)
  4. NRCT-JSPS (2014-2018)
  5. NRCT (2008-2010, 2016-1017)
  6. PTT (2010-2017)
  7. UNESCO and L’OREAL (2014)
  8. The Asahi Oversea Research Grant Award, The Asahi Glass Foundation, Japan (2014)

Major grants awarded

2020 The Highest Citation Award from Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
2014 Fellowships for Woman in Science, Thailand by UNESCO and L’OREAL
2014 Has been selected as representative of Thailand to attend Antarctic Research Trip under the Royal Initiative of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
2013 Outstanding Mid-Career Scientist Award from Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University CHULA-MONGKUT AWARD